Top 5 Skinniest Person in the World Alive

Top 5 Skinniest Person in the World

  Of course, one of the qualities of beauty is a person’s physique – having that so called “Perfect Slim Structure”. This is not uncommon among the ladies out there. 70 out of every 100 ladies would love to have a barbie-like structure – you know, having a straight leg, a nice hip and a lovely waist to compliment it all. In view of this, some have done and are still doing all they can to transform their bodies into a model’s.

   A few even have themselves undergo complicated surgeries or dieting to make adjustments to their body structure. Some are successful while some go wrong, becoming overly skinny instead. But on the other side, some are just born that way – very skinny.

  In this article, we shall be looking into the top 5 most skinniest Person in the world, either natural or man-made, without further ado, let’s dive in:

Who is the Skinniest Person in The World?

Following the Rankings, Lizzie Velasquez is the Skinniest Person Ever alive in the World.



Lizzie Velasquez skinniest person alive 1

  Lizzie Velasquiz (Elizabeth Anne Velásquez) was born on the 13th of March, 1989 into the family of Rita Borja Velásquez (mum) and Guadalupe Fonsi Velásquez (dad). She was born prematurely – four weeks earlier than usual at Austin, Texas and also with a very unusual congenital disease, medically termed as Marfanoid–progeroid–lipodystrophy syndrome. She weighed less than  2 pounds 11 ounces (1,219 grams).

  The condition made her unable to gain weight despite all taken measures, making her to be extremely skinny. At a point in her life, she had almost 0% body fat and was unable to weigh more than 29kg! Leving her with bones. Apart from the condition, Lizzie also had challenges with her sight.

  All these made her an object of ridicule amongst her mate. She was once tagged the world’s Ugliest Woman. Lizzie however did not let this reduce her, with the help of her mother, she instead, raised her voice against bullying, began public awareness, wrote several books. She wanted people like her to never feel inferior to never let their condition(s) hold them down from maximising their potentials. She is indeed an optimist and a motivational speaker.

  Some of her books are:

  • Lizzie Beautiful: Her first work, an autobiography published in 2010 in English and Spanish.  In her autobiography, she included the letters her mother wrote to her when she was young.
  • Be Beautiful and Be You: These two books are directed towards kids, where she shared her personal stories and offer advice.
  • Dare to be kind.


tom staniford skinniest person alive

Tom Staniford was born on the 1st of July, 1989 in Akrotiri, Cyprus. When he was born, he is

6 ft 3 in (191 cm) tall and weigh 65kg (143 lb). He is indeed a skinny man worthy of a world record. He had most of his childhood life at Hamburg in Germany, Greenwich in Leicestershire in England, Kuwait, Cyprus, Wales, and Blandford Forum, Dorset.

 Tom had multiple challenges as he grew, all of which contributed to his almost fatless skin. He has connective tissue disorder- this posed threats to both his hand and feet, inflexibility at virtually all his limbs. Tom also suffers from serious fixation at his ankle, diabetes type 2, low testosterone, a slight hearing loss which affected his two ears, and lipodystrophy – this condition affect so many constituents of his well being such as his metabolism and fat. This seem too much for one person, however Tom did not let this belittle his potentials.

  Tom did well in school but mostly in cycling,  he loves to ride bikes! This passion made him continue his career after a severe head-on collision with a car while he was training with his bike. He has made several impacts in his para-cycling career such as:

  • 2010 Kent International

Elite C4-5 Road Race, 42km – 9th (2nd in C4 class)

Elite Time Trial – 4th

  • 2010 British Track Championships

PB in kilo (1:18)

PB 3k pursuit (4:05)

  • 2011 British National Para-cycling Circuit Race Championship

1st (C3 class)


valarie levitin skinniest person alive

  The story of Valerie can be opted for one of the saddest stories ever. Valerie is extremely skinny, the sad thing is that she wasn’t born that way.

  Valerie was born in 1973 in Monaco. She had always dreamed of becoming a model but her stature prevented her from attaining her dream. Weighing 64 pounds, she was considered a fat girl! Valerie was only sixteen(16) and hated it when people call her “fat”. She bagan to lose her self esteem as her mates would often make fun of her.

 Because of that, Valerie became so worried about her weight and was determined to lose it. She consulted her mother who advised her on certain dieting to rapidly lose weight.

  The extreme dieting seemed to work wonders, she lost a considerable amount of weight, she then weighed 38kg, she was happy about it but wanted to get a little slimmer. And that was her greatest mistake!

  The dieting had affected her so much that it sprung up a disease – Anorexia. The disease made her unable to gain fat, it was so serious that everyone started to notice. Doctors and other dietitian effort proved abortive. She was so lean that her skin was reduced to bones. After realising that she had made the biggest mistake of her life, she began to sensitise the public, making it known that one should learn from her and always appreciate their natural self.

Valerie died on the 1st of December, 2013.


LOANA SPANGENBERG skinniest person alive

  Loana Spangenberg, or should I say the “Human hourglass” is a Romanian model born in 1982. She is not only skinny, she also has a unique body physique. Her waist is so small in diameter that made her look like an hourglass or a coat-hanger when given a dorsal or ventral view. Loana weighs 84 lbs and her waist measures just 20-inch at age 13, a little more than that of a compact disc.

 Loana often felt awkward about her extremely slim body, especially her waist but just had to put up with it and live her life. She is quite shy, so stays off social media as far as possible. However according to her, she said her extremely thin waist is natural. Loana made it known in several interviews like the Sun that she is not suffering from any disease or poor eating style.

  Loana married Jan in 2006, at Berlin after dating for 8 months. She explained that Jan encouraged her at anything, that he is the one behind her confidence. Jan saw beauty in her and encouraged her to go into modelling. She is very sensitive when it comes to disclosing her personal life, so there’s no much recorded about her.


CATHIE JUNG skinniest person in the world

  Cathie jung is an American indigene born in 1937, she’s a big fan of fashion especially corsets. Just like the human hourglass – Loana Spangenberg.. Cathie also has an incredibly small waist that measures 15 inches in diameter, approximately 38cm. She once held a Guinness World Record for “The person with the smallest waist to ever live”.

  Her very tiny waist was not due to a disease whatsoever, it was totally a conscious product. For several years, Cathie constantly wears corset- a waist enhancer. Ever since her wedding in 1959, she has never stopped wearing a corset. This is the reason behind her tiny waist.

  Nonetheless Cathie was able to mother three girls. She is now over 70 years and her waist still like her youth’s.

SEE ALSO: World’s Ugliest Man in the World

Who is the Skinniest Person in The World?

Following the Rankings, u003cstrongu003eLizzie Velasquezu003c/strongu003e is the Skinniest Person Ever alive in the World.

Does Tom Staniford come in the skinniest person in the world rankings?

Oh Yes, He does come in the World’s most skinniest people in 2021

Does Valarie Levitin come in the most skinniest person 2021 in the world rankings?

Oh Yes, she does come in the World’s most skinniest people in 2021

What is the weight of Lizzie Velasquez?

As of 2021, her weight scale is 26kgs

What is the weight of Loana Spangenberg?

As of 2021, her weight scale is 84LBs

What is the weight of Valeria Levitin?

As of 2021, her weight scale is 27kgs

What is the weight of Cathie Jung?

As of 2021, her weight scale is 43kgs

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